Why You Should Be Using CNAME Abstractions

In this post we talk about when, and how, to use CNAME abstraction to simplify future changes

Why You Should Be Using CNAME Abstractions

Here’s the full list of posts for this series:


When multiple things resolve to a single endpoint, using a DNS CNAME abstraction will simplify your configuration.

For example, say I have three websites:

  • foo.mycompany.com
  • bar.mycompany.com
  • bas.mycompany.com

And these all need to resolve back to the same AWS ELB endpoint (e.g., elb-blah.amazonaws.com).

I have two options here:

  1. Create 3 CNAME records and map each to elb.blah.amazonaws.com
  • foo.mycompany.com –> elb.blah.amazonaws.com
  • bar.mycompany.com –> elb.blah.amazonaws.com
  • bas.mycompany.com –> elb.blah.amazonaws.com


  1. Create an abstraction CNAME, and map the records to that
  • gw.mycompany.com –> elb.blah.amazonaws.com
  • foo.mycompany.com –> gw.mycompany.com
  • bar.mycompany.com –> gw.mycompany.com
  • bas.mycompany.com –> gw.mycompany.com

Now why would I want to do this? I essentially created four records instead of 3… Preparation.

DNS records can change and evolve constantly. Say, for example, that you moved from AWS to Google Cloud (e.g., glb-blah.cloud.google.com); you’d need to update all three records:

  • foo.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com
  • bar.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com
  • bas.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com

However, if you used CNAME abstraction, you would only need to update the record for gw and point to the new GCP endpoint:

  • gw.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com

But what if They don’t all point to the same endpoints now? Simple, just create another CNAME abstraction and update foo,bar,bas to point to the necessary endpoints.

  • foo.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com
  • bar.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com
  • bas.mycompany.com –> glb-blah.cloud.google.com

Should I always abstract things? Not all the time. Here are the considerations I evaluate whenever I’m looking at this:

  • Will > 1 thing ever point to this?
  • Is the possibility that this will change non-zero?

In most cases, things are never permanent, so in most cases I use URL abstractions to simplify my life down the line.
